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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Williamstown Independent:

Elementary Reading:  10% Distinguished  -  26% Proficient  |  Elementary Mathematics:  2% Distinguished  -  24% Proficient

Jr. High School Reading:  14% Distinguished  -  26% Proficient  |  Jr. High School Mathematics:  2% Distinguished  -  20% Proficient

High School Reading:  15% Distinguished  -  28% Proficient  |  High School Mathematics:  8% Distinguished  -  34% Proficient

More information can be found in the data sets on the Kentucky Dept. of Education Open House site:

Kentucky Dept. of Education Open House

Pupil Personnel






Christina Bowen, Director of Pupil Personnel

The Director of Pupil Personnel is responsible for ensuring students are present in school on a regular basis.  Emphasis is placed on attendance and reducing barriers that may negatively impact the student from receiving their educational services.  The DPP works closely with counselors, FRYSC, families and the community to assist in this process.

Per KRS 159.150 Any child who has been absent from school without a valid excuse for three (3) or more days, or tardy for three (3) or more days, is a truant.  Any child who has been reported as a truant two (2) or more times is a habitual truant.  If a student is not meeting the attendance requirements, it is the job of the DPP to pursue further action.  This action may be in the form of a student meeting, letter, parent meeting, home visit, referral to school staff, state agency, or court action.  The DPP will exhaust all feasible options before pursuing outside authority involvement.

Attendance matters.  A day missed in the classroom is a day missed from learning.  Our students are our most valuable asset and we strive to provide our students with the BEST educational experience.  As a team, we will focus our efforts on this initiative.  As a community, we will make it happen!

Should you have any questions, please reach out to Christina Bowen at (859) 824-7144 or email