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2022-2023 Kentucky Summative Assessment (KSA) Results for Williamstown Independent:

Elementary Reading:  10% Distinguished  -  26% Proficient  |  Elementary Mathematics:  2% Distinguished  -  24% Proficient

Jr. High School Reading:  14% Distinguished  -  26% Proficient  |  Jr. High School Mathematics:  2% Distinguished  -  20% Proficient

High School Reading:  15% Distinguished  -  28% Proficient  |  High School Mathematics:  8% Distinguished  -  34% Proficient

More information can be found in the data sets on the Kentucky Dept. of Education Open House site:

Kentucky Dept. of Education Open House

School Facilities Use Application


Application for Use of School Facilities (Board of Education Policy 05.31)

Multiple Choice
  • If this request is granted, this organization agrees to the following:

    • To arrange with the Principal/designee of the school for scheduling the time that the building may be used. It also is understood that the Principal may cancel the use of the room or building at any time such use interferes with regular school activities.
    • That this organization shall be legally responsible for any and all damage to the school building, grounds or facilities resulting from their use by this organization.
    • If required, the requesting organization must procure sufficient liability insurance to indemnify the Board, school officers, and employees for any injuries or property damage that might occur during the organization's use of the school facilities. This insurance shall contain limits of $1,000,000 for bodily injury and $10,000 for property damage. A copy of this insurance certificate shall be filed with the Board prior to the date the organization uses the building.
    • To hold harmless the Williamstown Independent Schools from all loss, damage, liability or claims arising out of the “users” operations or use of the premises, except to the extent same are caused by negligence or misconduct of the School District. 
    • To pay the deposit and rental fee as set by the Williamstown Board of Education.  Custodians will be assigned as needed and at not less than their regular hourly rate of regular overtime pay beginning thirty (30) minute before and ending one (1) hour after the event or whenever the facility is needed, in order for school the next day. Food service staff will be paid for time spent in preparing, serving and after banquet kitchen clean-up. (See 05.3 AP.1.)
      • Payment for school employees also will include the expense of benefits (social security, retirement and matching retirement) paid by the Board as required by law.
    • To provide necessary equipment. In the case of the gymnasium, the organization agrees to provide uniforms and shoes and to permit on the gym floor only persons wearing the quality of shoes that will not mark the floor.

    • To leave the building in good condition.

    • To abide by the rules and regulations of the school. Disregard of the rules and regulations governing use of the school buildings and facilities shall result in the refusal of the Board to grant the offending organization further use of said facilities.
    • Applicant organization agrees not to sublease property.
    • The use of drugs or alcoholic beverages is prohibited by federal and state law and Board policy. Smoking is prohibited in all District facilities.
    • To acknowledge that approval of this request does not signify District sponsorship, endorsement or approval of your organization or the activity. 
1st Choice of date (Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format)
Must contain a date in M/D/YYYY format
First Name
Last Name