Wall of Fame Nomination
The Williamstown Board of Education is now accepting nominations for the Wall of Fame. This award was created by the Board of Education to recognize graduates who have made a unique and special contribution to society through their work or other notable activities. The criteria for the Wall of Fame are as follows:
Graduate of Williamstown High School.
Must have made a unique and special contribution to society through their work or other notable activities.
The recipient will be recognized at the commencement exercises in May.
A picture and vita will be permanently displayed at the Williamstown High School.
After nominations are made, the Superintendent will, if needed, request more vita from the nominee to aid in the decision making process.
Nominations can be held and considered for more than one year, if the nominee agrees.
A committee consisting of the Board of Education Chairperson, Superintendent, High School Principal, President of the WISE Trust Fund, Assistant Superintendent, the Senior Class President, and a Williamstown member of the Chamber of Commerce will select the winning candidates from the nominations received. Nominations shall include: the name of the candidate, address, home and office phone number, a narrative or the basis for the nomination, and the sponsor’s name, address and phone number.
Deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, Feb. 28, 2025.
You can nominate someone online by clicking HERE or
Send the information to:
Wall of Fame
Williamstown Board of Education
300 Helton St. Williamstown, KY 41097
Questions regarding the “Wall of Fame” should be directed to the office of the Superintendent at 859-824-7144 or email info@williamstown.kyschools.us